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Home Learning

Please see below for some links to additional learning you can do at home with your child. Teaching staff often upload home learning to SeeSaw to enhance the learning in class and provide you an opportunity to engage with your childs education.



Home learning links

Click on the links in the table for some home learning activities. Most of these activities are PC/laptop friendly and have tablet friendsly versions as well. If you have any problems with any of the links please let us know.

Link Description
A quick and easy game to practise addition, subtraction and multiplication tables.
      Lots of fun numeracy games for P1 all the way to P7.

Numeracy games. P3-7 children should have a log in for this site.

Number bonds to ten. A great way to look for numbers that add together to make 10.
A simple hit the button game to work on number bonds, multiplication and even decimals.
Splat square. An interactive 100 square. Children can use this to work on number bonds or highlight multiplication tables.

Power lines. A probem solving game with addition.

Number Crunch. A game like candy crush but with numbers.
Matching pairs game. Simple matching game which can be used for numbers, shapes, and fractions.

Oxford Owl. Find top tips and fun ideas to help you support your child's learning at home.

Log in to Glow to access email and other learning activities.

Another website with lots of free games for P1-7.

BBC Bitesize - links to games and activities to help with lots of curricular areas.    

Lots of reading and writing activities and competitions.

Reading resources from the National Literacy Trust.

Mathsbot. A website for teachers that can be used to create numeracy questions to practise at home.
Maths learning centre. A great number line tool that works with whole numbers, fractions and decimals.
Doorway Online. Lots of free learing activities for P1-3.
ICT Games. More links to games to develop numeracy and literacy skills. 

Phonics Play. Some free games to help with phonics.


« February 2025 »